Thursday, 29 December 2011

A Tad Late - Merry Christmas!!!

So I have been awfully slack of late, with the festive season upon me I got all caught up in making gifts, begging for more christmas lights to put up outside, (even though I was acutely aware we did not have the budget for it) making 5 puddings -YES 5, 3 traditional Christmas puddings and 2 Chocolate Christmas puddings (Ok technically I only made one of the Chocolate ones entirely, after 4 days of boiling puddings I managed to convince my partner to take over making the 2nd chocolate one!), planning Christmas lunch with my folks who drove the 5 hours one way trip for a day visit (NUTS I KNOW), of course shopping, wrapping and thinking about what to get next!!!

Of course none of this is really an excuse for that fact I was just down right lazy and lacking motivation lol.

What else have I been up to? I did apply to go back to Uni next year and start a second degree (only 10years after I finished my first)! Time for a career change so what I am hoping to study? Science - specifically geography and spacial information. I love geography and maps so I thought why not!!! I am actually really excited, I will be study by distance, but I am hoping to do 2 subjects on campus to start networking!

So what gifts did I make? Pocket Handwarmers for my family who live out in Bathurst where winters rarely get over 10degrees and heat packs for everyone else! I was a busy bee!!!!

Aren't they gorgeous??

I seem to have forgotten to take a picture of the heat packs, though I am certain I took one, maybe on a different camera since we do have 3 floating around lol

I have also tried planting some new vegetables after the last lot kinda failed miserably lol. I went simple this time radishes and a chilli plant! Fingers crossed.

I will try and be more efficient with my blogging next year so I would now like to wish everyone a fantastic New Year and hope that 2012 brings you all your dreams!

Monday, 21 November 2011

Posting gifts!

Recently and old work colleague and friend of ours gave birth to bubby number 2. So naturally I whipped up a little something to send down to the new addition. Mum was thrilled with the gift, and I was pretty impressed with the fabric find more than anything!!!!! I made some nappy (diaper) covers and a dummy (pacifier) clip, which no bub should be without!
How hip is the fabric? I so rarely take note of the fabric name, but this one was appropriately named "Sock Monkey Argyle"

Sunday, 20 November 2011

A Gift!

I made a few things a few weeks ago for my friends 2 children, and now I have finally gifted them I can share them with you :)

 For Mr R, I made a pair of towel shorts, I kept them bright with big functional pockets for him to fill with all sorts of toys, sand and the like! I figure with the Australian summer well and truely upon us (we are talking tempertures of over 35 degrees C already!), mum (or dad) can towel him off and pull on the shorts!!!!

 And of course Mr R's little sister couldn't miss out so for Miss A I made a little sunsuit, complete with press studs at the bottom and tie tops making it more adjustable. Again perfect for the Australian summer!
What you think??? I was really happy with how they turned out!

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Christmas is looming!!!!!

This year we decided that most of our gifts would be handmade! I absolutely love making gifts for people, I think it is a fabulous way to save money and give someone something unique. So I have been busy making a start on our Christmas gifts.

Which meant I have made a start on the granny ripple I was talking about here. So here is a sneak peek!

It is coming together really well. Fingers crossed I have it done by Christmas!

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Its Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you look to the right of your screen you will see my store is finally here!!!!! Yep this is my BIG news!!!!! I have listed my handmade wares on Etsy, so feel free to head over and check them out!

It has definitely been a busy time, trying to get it up and going, taking the pics, the hours of uploading, as well as finishing a few of the items. All in the mean time I have managed to have two job interviews, playing cricket, hockey and hit the beach, as the summer heat is upon us (currently 32 degrees).

Hope you like my little store :)

I almost forgot - I also managed sunrise down the beach a couple of weekends ago, so here is few pics (totally unedited!)

Friday, 4 November 2011

News to come!!!!

Ok I have been extremely slack in the last week or so on the blog front!!!! I promise there is going to be news to come and I have been busy busy sorting that out! I do however have some small news, I came home the other day to find my lovely partner cleaning out my sewing room! Yep, I can now see the desk, floor and sewing machines!!!!!!!!!

It is very exciting!!!!!!

Well, fingers crossed my news comes sooner rather than later :)

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Matching Dresses and a Beach

Our friends have two daughters Miss R and Miss M, currently 4 and 3 who we love to see. They are my little test dummies for my business ventures, mostly they just end up with free clothes as they very rarely like to take the clothes off and I just can't say no (though in saying that I have gotten a way around that - make them from calico they are too boring to hold their interest!)

So a couple of weeks ago I designed a simple tie top dress and tried it on Miss R, well subsequently Miss M also wanted one that had to be matching, so alas I caved and made one up for Miss M in exactly 2 hours on the morning I was taking them to the beach! Of course, they wore them to the beach, perfect photo shoot chance!

I also tested out my newly acquired photoshop software! Thoughts?

I love how the dresses fitted them as they will fit them all summer! The girls loved them which makes me so happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!

Monday, 17 October 2011

Clean up required?????

So if you are wondering why the lack of projects from the sewing room of late, I think I have the answer! I looked into my sewing room this morning and thought oh good god, no wonder I have a little lack of motivation!

I can barely walk in the door!!!! I am now telling myself to clean the room up and get back to it! Right after I get a job application or 6 done!

I don't usually complain about my jobless situation but today I am having a "For christ sake give me a job already" day (or couple of days actually). It has been a tad over 7 months since I have had full time work, and it is becoming a drain, both financially and my time, as doing application after application of near on 2000 words makes me feel like I am back at uni all over again, but with nothing to show for the results! Don't get me wrong I love being home, but I want money now so I can do things too!

Ok rant over lol.

Oh by the way I am still trudging along on the green and white blanket (since I don't need to enter the room of doom to do so)

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Beach time!!!

FINALLY got to the beach to officially kick off what I am calling "Summer" though in reality I know it is still only spring. The best part is I now only live 10mins from the surf, and we can swim pretty much through till April!!!!!!

Monday, 10 October 2011


I am definitely known as an idea's girl, however, I am not known as a finishing girl! I have soooo many started projects, that I keep thinking I will finish them one day, well for one project the one day is here!

How did it come about??? Well, I was prowling through the ether, as one does to pass the time, and came across this gorgeous tutorial - how to crochet granny ripple which immediately got me thinking of colours for a blanket!

From the Lazy Hobbyhopper
My partner then asked, why am I starting another project when I have so many on the go as it was. Since I did not have a valid reason, I thought well there is a gorgeous green and white cotton blanket I have had on needles for over 2 years that I could finish and alas I have resumed knitting it!!

I really do love it, and it is supersoft to knit. Fingers crossed on take 2 I get it done! Then the granny ripple is happening, as I have a christmas present in mind for it. (The green and white blanket is staying with us)

A Little Trip

Sooooooo what a week I have had! I decided I should take a trip out to see my folks in Bathurst and that I would take the train there - I know what was I thinking Newcastle to Bathurst on Cityrail!!!!! While it was an epic 7 hour trip to get there, it did only cost $7.80 for the 356km journey so there isn't too many complaints. Been the week before the Bathurst 1000 (a car race for those not in the know) it was a little hectic around the town and I was there for the Pantek parade and got to see all the shiny trucks.

Car racing isn't really my thing but it was a good vibe and seeing the 1000's upon 1000's of people setting up their tents/caravans/motorhomes/swags/twig shacks and whatever else they could possibly use, was hilarious!

So after a couple of days in Bathurst I was back on the train to Sydney, where my lovely partner was able to pick me up (she was in the City for a meeting how convient) for the drive home! No shopping this time :(

Only to get home and no internet or phone, our line was short circuiting!!!!! Only got it fixed today, which I have to say makes me a very happy person. In a world where everything seems to be online, I was at a loss over the weekend hehe.

I got lucky over the weekend though, as I went back to Sydney for a game of Vigoro (lets just say women's cricket) so there went my Saturday! Only one day to survive without the World Wide Web! Makes me think though, how would we survive without it????

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Sew happy

Was shopping over the weekend and found this awesome canvas print and for $5 who can walk past it!! 
It is now happily hanging from the shelves in my sewing room!

Thursday, 29 September 2011

More curtains

So remember my curtains tutorial here and I mentioned I was planning some roman blinds. Well scrap that, I found an awesome fabric at Ikea reduced by $40 for the bedroom!! I just did simple curtains and let the fabric do the rest!

Don't you just love how the light comes through? Mind you the window faces East and with the sun coming through from 530am I have to say it is a tad bright.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011


I recently got asked by a friend of a friend if I was able to embroider some patches that she could sew onto her sons clothes, as he has Autism.

So of course I was happy to oblige and this is what I came up with.

Needless to say she was thrilled with the result. As was I!

Saturday, 24 September 2011

New Fabric

I mentioned before heading to Sydney that I would be visiting my favourite fabric store while in the City and that I did!!!!!

I should probably mention I actually have a couple of favourite stores - the one I can afford and the one where I just swoon over the gorgeous imported fabrics from the likes of Armani and Prada!

So here is what I picked up at my favourite store (the one I can afford) - The Remnant Warehouse

The blue and white stripe is a cotton jersey knit and the other 6 are cottons. I am thinking shorts and skirts (including 1 for me). 

I also couldn't go past these fantastic fat quarters especially at only $2 each!

I think they will make some fantastic dummy clips.

Lastly we stopped at Ikea to grab some more glass jars to try and add a bit of organisation to our pantry and I couldn't help myself but to check out what fabrics they had in stock and ended up buying just a couple more :-)

I love how bright the plain cottons are.

Of course I would have loved to have bought sooooooooooo much more, but alas I was reminded that I have more than enough fabric at home hehehe.

So I mentioned I also that I have another favourite store (the one I can't afford) this is Tessuti in Surry Hills. They have other stores around Sydney and also 1 in Melbourne. However, I have only ever gone to the one in Surry Hills!!!!! This is where I buy fabric for special occassions but it is a fantastic store with a gorgeous range!!

Now to get sewing with all my new fabric :D

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Sydney Town

So over the weekend we headed to Sydney to see Mary Poppins, and now while we were both a tad disappointed in the show, we had an absolute blast being back in the city.

Now by the sounds of it you would think I rarely go, as opposed to someone who was born and bred there and only left a little over 12 months ago!!!!! But alas, we loved playing tourist. Here is a few pics I took while away.

St Mary's Cathedral

Strand Arcade

Ok, so I use to walk past this door at least 3 times a week for work, and always wanted a picture of it and now I do!!!! I totally love it!!!! I am thinking of putting it on a canvas, your thoughts?

Now what trip to Sydney wouldn't be a complete without a picture of the gorgeous harbour.....umm........ours, we did not venture to the harbour at all (so sad I know cause we had gorgeous weather). So here is a pic of centrepoint tower - as it will always be known to me :)

Thursday, 15 September 2011


Just wanted to share this little pic I took and then, shall I say........created, to wish my partner a wonderful birthday!!!! So stoked with how it looks :-)

Yep it is a photo. I promise.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Finally the kids clothes

So I have mentioned a few times about my little business Silly Me! So I thought it was time I shared a few pics with you.
This is only a small sample. I am currently working on some skirts, which are totally adorable (ok so I am a tad bias, but they are cute as I promise!) I also can't wait to head to my favourite fabric store on Friday afternoon in Sydney and stock up on some gorgeous fabics!!

I also need to get some netting as I was given some cute as spot fabric and there are two little dresses that just need to be made!!!!

Saturday, 10 September 2011

A Birthday Party

Birthday party day for my partner, which has meant that I have spent the last 2 days cooking and preparing to make this morning a tad easier (must of work since I have time to post this between blowing up balloons)

So what does it take to cater for a 29 year old party. It means taking into account first and for most the following diet restrictions:
  1. The "I'm almost a vegan if I could just give up cheese."
  2. The newly pregnant.
  3. The food allergies (which is me so that is cinch)
The result is:

1 Lasagne from scratch
1 Vegetable pasta bake
40 Sausage rolls
15 Veggie rolls
Carrot sticks
Celery sticks
Cubed cheese
Sliced cabanossi

and one very full fridge. It reminds me of Christmas!!!!!
A very busy morning for sure!!!

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Planting the seeds

I decided I am going to plant corn this summer to act a screen across the back fence, but thought I would start them off in seedling pots made from newspaper! Yep, you read right, newspaper! They are great cause you can just plant them paper and all!!!! (I also decided to try toilet roll's and see how they went)

Fingers crossed they grow - 6 to 10 days according to the packet lol. Instructions for the seedling pots can be found here :-)

I planted 2 seeds in each pot so, in theory, at least half should grow! I'm placing good odds on them lol.

Monday, 5 September 2011

New Curtains - Tutorial

Since moving into our new place, we hated the curtains that were in the lounge/dining room, and since we can never find ones we like I went about making our own!

This is what was on the windows. BORING!!!!!!!!!

Now what is on the windows!

So here is how:

First of all measure your windows, this way you know they will fit. Essentially you want the top to be where the curtain rod goes through and the bottom to line up with the bottom of the window architraves or wherever you want the bottom of the curtain to be. I decided to just use the width of natural drill fabric x 2 to make a pair of curtains, as I wanted a slightly gathered look. 

Next pick your colours, I used 6 cotton homespun for the top and bottom and natural drill for the bulk of the curtain.

Now for a bit of maths. Take the width of your fabric you are using for each curtain and divide it by the number of colour pieces you are using, in my case 6.  Then add 1cm.  (0.5cm seam allowance) This will give you the size of the square you need to cut out of each coloured fabric 4 times. To make cutting the squares easier I made a simple template out of cardboard.

Still using your maths skills, work out how much of the bulk fabric you need. Taking your measurement of where you want the curtains to end, minus the size of your square then add 1cm. This will be the size of your bulk fabric including a 0.5cm seam allowance.

Cut out your squares and the bulk material.

Sew your squares together. You will end up with 4 sets of sewn squares (One for each top and bottom)

I probably should have ironed it but anywho lol

Sew a small hem on each end.

Now fold the strips in half WRONG sides together and pin it to the RIGHT side of the bulk material. TIP: mark the middle of the bulk fabric and work outwards so they are in the middle :)

Sew the coloured strips onto the bulk material. I used an overlocker/serger to sew them together. If you do not have one just straight stitch and zig zag the edges no biggy.

Repeat with the bottom and the other curtain.

2nd last step (I promise) if the bulk fabric is slightly wider than the coloured strips, hem the sides.

LAST STEP: Hang the curtains, sit back and admire your handwork!

I am now in the planning stage of some roman blinds, in a similar style for the bedroom. Will post when complete also.

New skirt!

As summer is on the way, I thought I should make something for myself for once, so I checked through my stash to see what I had in the way of appropriate 'grown up' fabrics (as most of what I sew is for kids this was a challenge in itself). Anyway, I came across metres and metres of black homespun and decided a black skirt never goes astray.

It is a really simple pattern, I just doubled my waist measurement and using my waist to knee measurement (or in my case more my hip to knee) cut out two huge rectangles. Ok so that probably doesn't make a lot of sense - I will try again. Say your waist measurement is 70cm then you would cut two rectangles of 70cm long x waist to knee measurement (don't forget to add a bit for the casing and hemming).

Yep it felt like I was sewing a tent. Add a simple elastic waist and it was done. The elastic will be about 10cm or so less than your waist measurement, it is trial and error and depends how tight you would like it to be. It really is that simple and took about an hour to make.

Next time I will be definitely adding pockets!!! I am heading to Sydney in a couple of weeks time and will be heading to my favorite fabric store for some supplies and I will definitely grabbing a metre or two for some more skirts for moi!!!

Check out the pasty white 'winter' legs lol!!!!

Slice of Heaven?

Tacky title? Probably, but anyway, yesterday I made this awesome slice full of oaty goodness. It tastes really good and something I will definitely be making again. (As you can see from the pic, I couldn't resist and dove straight it mmmmmmm)

Oh by the way don't test the slice like a cake or you will end up with a nice finger print in yours too!

Friday, 2 September 2011

Slow creating week!

This week has been a little crazy, with my supervising job for the Census finishing up, so I have been finalising all the paperwork, all in meantime applying for more jobs! Alas, though I have managed to make a bean bag stool! It was rather simple in the end, two big circles of fabric 60cm in diameter, one long piece 188cm long and 1 zipper. Fill it with beans and its done. (Ok so it may have been a little more involved, but to be honest, not much more)
It is super comfy and cost only the price of the beans as I had the fabric already! I believe a few more will be on the cards.

Friday, 26 August 2011


Yesterday I promised my partner there would be something chocolate related, for when she got home from work, so after a check of the baking supplies I got busy making some Double Chocolate Cupcakes - except for them taking twice as long as the recipe stated for cooking time they worked out great! (Still getting use to the our strange oven - the tray has to go in sideways - ie. the shortest side of the tray faces the front and back)

New Garden

We have now been living in our new place a few weeks (or closer to 9) and I have been saying I wanted to put a vegetable garden in. So I have finally done it! With some free pallets and vegetables courtesy of my partner's uncle (he works at a nursery) and a day of pulling said pallets apart. Voila! One vegetable planter box! (Ok, so I had to call the father-in-law for some assistance in pulling them apart!)

The supplies

Planter box and what will be the vertical garden

The planter box - growing lettuce, wombok and red cabbage
 Fingers crossed they keep growing. Also want to plant a few more vegetables namely tomatoes, cucumber, corn, capsicum and a wicked supply of herbs in the vertical garden!

 I also painted some additional pots with chalkboard paint for easy labelling, to expand my herb garden even more.
It was super easy and I think they look awesome. Now to buy some more potting mix.

Monday, 22 August 2011

I finally did it!

Hi and Welcome. This has been in the works for sometime and I am now excited to be on the blog train. Yep I am behind the times :-)

Can't wait to share the things I have made, whether it be for me, the house or my hopefully to follow children's clothes business - Silly Me!

Feel free to drop by anytime.