Monday, 10 October 2011


I am definitely known as an idea's girl, however, I am not known as a finishing girl! I have soooo many started projects, that I keep thinking I will finish them one day, well for one project the one day is here!

How did it come about??? Well, I was prowling through the ether, as one does to pass the time, and came across this gorgeous tutorial - how to crochet granny ripple which immediately got me thinking of colours for a blanket!

From the Lazy Hobbyhopper
My partner then asked, why am I starting another project when I have so many on the go as it was. Since I did not have a valid reason, I thought well there is a gorgeous green and white cotton blanket I have had on needles for over 2 years that I could finish and alas I have resumed knitting it!!

I really do love it, and it is supersoft to knit. Fingers crossed on take 2 I get it done! Then the granny ripple is happening, as I have a christmas present in mind for it. (The green and white blanket is staying with us)


  1. Naomi, my girls have a gorgeous blanket that has been knitted this way in pink! Such a stunning pattern, i hope you get it finished!

  2. It would look wicked in pink's! I hope I get it finished too :)
