Saturday, 10 September 2011

A Birthday Party

Birthday party day for my partner, which has meant that I have spent the last 2 days cooking and preparing to make this morning a tad easier (must of work since I have time to post this between blowing up balloons)

So what does it take to cater for a 29 year old party. It means taking into account first and for most the following diet restrictions:
  1. The "I'm almost a vegan if I could just give up cheese."
  2. The newly pregnant.
  3. The food allergies (which is me so that is cinch)
The result is:

1 Lasagne from scratch
1 Vegetable pasta bake
40 Sausage rolls
15 Veggie rolls
Carrot sticks
Celery sticks
Cubed cheese
Sliced cabanossi

and one very full fridge. It reminds me of Christmas!!!!!
A very busy morning for sure!!!

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