Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Matching Dresses and a Beach

Our friends have two daughters Miss R and Miss M, currently 4 and 3 who we love to see. They are my little test dummies for my business ventures, mostly they just end up with free clothes as they very rarely like to take the clothes off and I just can't say no (though in saying that I have gotten a way around that - make them from calico they are too boring to hold their interest!)

So a couple of weeks ago I designed a simple tie top dress and tried it on Miss R, well subsequently Miss M also wanted one that had to be matching, so alas I caved and made one up for Miss M in exactly 2 hours on the morning I was taking them to the beach! Of course, they wore them to the beach, perfect photo shoot chance!

I also tested out my newly acquired photoshop software! Thoughts?

I love how the dresses fitted them as they will fit them all summer! The girls loved them which makes me so happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!

Monday, 17 October 2011

Clean up required?????

So if you are wondering why the lack of projects from the sewing room of late, I think I have the answer! I looked into my sewing room this morning and thought oh good god, no wonder I have a little lack of motivation!

I can barely walk in the door!!!! I am now telling myself to clean the room up and get back to it! Right after I get a job application or 6 done!

I don't usually complain about my jobless situation but today I am having a "For christ sake give me a job already" day (or couple of days actually). It has been a tad over 7 months since I have had full time work, and it is becoming a drain, both financially and my time, as doing application after application of near on 2000 words makes me feel like I am back at uni all over again, but with nothing to show for the results! Don't get me wrong I love being home, but I want money now so I can do things too!

Ok rant over lol.

Oh by the way I am still trudging along on the green and white blanket (since I don't need to enter the room of doom to do so)

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Beach time!!!

FINALLY got to the beach to officially kick off what I am calling "Summer" though in reality I know it is still only spring. The best part is I now only live 10mins from the surf, and we can swim pretty much through till April!!!!!!

Monday, 10 October 2011


I am definitely known as an idea's girl, however, I am not known as a finishing girl! I have soooo many started projects, that I keep thinking I will finish them one day, well for one project the one day is here!

How did it come about??? Well, I was prowling through the ether, as one does to pass the time, and came across this gorgeous tutorial - how to crochet granny ripple which immediately got me thinking of colours for a blanket!

From the Lazy Hobbyhopper
My partner then asked, why am I starting another project when I have so many on the go as it was. Since I did not have a valid reason, I thought well there is a gorgeous green and white cotton blanket I have had on needles for over 2 years that I could finish and alas I have resumed knitting it!!

I really do love it, and it is supersoft to knit. Fingers crossed on take 2 I get it done! Then the granny ripple is happening, as I have a christmas present in mind for it. (The green and white blanket is staying with us)

A Little Trip

Sooooooo what a week I have had! I decided I should take a trip out to see my folks in Bathurst and that I would take the train there - I know what was I thinking Newcastle to Bathurst on Cityrail!!!!! While it was an epic 7 hour trip to get there, it did only cost $7.80 for the 356km journey so there isn't too many complaints. Been the week before the Bathurst 1000 (a car race for those not in the know) it was a little hectic around the town and I was there for the Pantek parade and got to see all the shiny trucks.

Car racing isn't really my thing but it was a good vibe and seeing the 1000's upon 1000's of people setting up their tents/caravans/motorhomes/swags/twig shacks and whatever else they could possibly use, was hilarious!

So after a couple of days in Bathurst I was back on the train to Sydney, where my lovely partner was able to pick me up (she was in the City for a meeting how convient) for the drive home! No shopping this time :(

Only to get home and no internet or phone, our line was short circuiting!!!!! Only got it fixed today, which I have to say makes me a very happy person. In a world where everything seems to be online, I was at a loss over the weekend hehe.

I got lucky over the weekend though, as I went back to Sydney for a game of Vigoro (lets just say women's cricket) so there went my Saturday! Only one day to survive without the World Wide Web! Makes me think though, how would we survive without it????

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Sew happy

Was shopping over the weekend and found this awesome canvas print and for $5 who can walk past it!! 
It is now happily hanging from the shelves in my sewing room!