Friday, 26 August 2011


Yesterday I promised my partner there would be something chocolate related, for when she got home from work, so after a check of the baking supplies I got busy making some Double Chocolate Cupcakes - except for them taking twice as long as the recipe stated for cooking time they worked out great! (Still getting use to the our strange oven - the tray has to go in sideways - ie. the shortest side of the tray faces the front and back)

New Garden

We have now been living in our new place a few weeks (or closer to 9) and I have been saying I wanted to put a vegetable garden in. So I have finally done it! With some free pallets and vegetables courtesy of my partner's uncle (he works at a nursery) and a day of pulling said pallets apart. Voila! One vegetable planter box! (Ok, so I had to call the father-in-law for some assistance in pulling them apart!)

The supplies

Planter box and what will be the vertical garden

The planter box - growing lettuce, wombok and red cabbage
 Fingers crossed they keep growing. Also want to plant a few more vegetables namely tomatoes, cucumber, corn, capsicum and a wicked supply of herbs in the vertical garden!

 I also painted some additional pots with chalkboard paint for easy labelling, to expand my herb garden even more.
It was super easy and I think they look awesome. Now to buy some more potting mix.

Monday, 22 August 2011

I finally did it!

Hi and Welcome. This has been in the works for sometime and I am now excited to be on the blog train. Yep I am behind the times :-)

Can't wait to share the things I have made, whether it be for me, the house or my hopefully to follow children's clothes business - Silly Me!

Feel free to drop by anytime.